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Our Documents

HR in a BOX have a vast library of documents for your business.  We have recruitment and selection information and documents, Policies and Procedures, Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), HR Documents such as Position Descriptions, Letters of Offer – to just name a few.

If you are looking for something in particular that you cannot locate in our shop, please reach out and one of the team will be happy to help.

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Policies and Procedures Enhanced Package

Our Full Set package offers all essential policies for a smooth and efficient operation of your business, including Code of Conduct, Employee Leave, Staff Discipline, Occupational Health & Safety, and more. Ensure compliance with laws and regulations and create a safe and productive workplace. Purchase now!


Excavation Works SWMS Package (SWMS)

Our package provides a comprehensive set of SWMS documents tailored specifically to excavation works, covering a range of activities such as trenching, shoring, demolition, and underground services. With our customizable templates, you can ensure the safety of your workers and compliance with relevant regulations. Don’t risk workplace accidents, get your Excavation Works Safe Work Method Statements Package today!


Termination Letter

Our Termination Letter template is a reliable and legally compliant solution to terminate an employee’s employment. It includes all necessary details and complies with relevant employment laws and regulations. Save time and ensure a professional termination process by using our expertly crafted template.


Car and Car Parking Policy

Our policy provides clear guidelines for the safe and efficient use of company-owned vehicles and personal cars used for work. Our policy also covers parking regulations, ensuring a well-organized and smoothly functioning workplace. Protect your employees and the company’s interests by implementing our comprehensive Car and Car Parking Policy.


Digital Marketing Coordinator Position Description

Find the right candidate for your organization’s digital marketing needs with our comprehensive Position Description. Covering all the key responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements of the role, our template will help streamline your hiring process and attract top talent. Get started today!


Spare Parts Sales Position Description

Streamline your hiring process with our downloadable Spare Parts Salesperson Position Description. Our comprehensive guide outlines the responsibilities and qualifications for the role, from managing customer inquiries to processing sales orders and maintaining inventory levels. By using our template, you’ll find the right candidate for the job and elevate your business with a skilled and efficient Spare Parts Salesperson. Download our template today to get started.


Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices Policy

Promote a sustainable workplace with our comprehensive policy. Covering everything from waste reduction to energy efficiency, our policy can help you make a positive impact on the planet while also improving your bottom line. Get your copy today and start implementing sustainable practices in your workplace.


Managing Director Position Description

Our Managing Director Position Description template is a comprehensive guide for businesses seeking to fill this crucial leadership role. This document outlines the key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for the position, including overseeing company operations, setting goals, managing teams, and driving financial performance. By using our template, you can attract top talent and ensure that expectations are clear, setting your organization up for success.


Employee Handbook

Create a comprehensive and professional-looking employee handbook with ease using our Employee Handbook Template. This vital document outlines company policies, employee benefits, leave entitlements, code of conduct, health and safety, and more. Customizable to reflect your unique company culture and values, as well as legal requirements, our template ensures that your employees have a clear understanding of expectations, preventing misunderstandings or conflicts. Providing your team with a clear and concise handbook helps everyone stay on the same page and thrive. Order our Employee Handbook Template today!


Paper Products Manufacturer SWMS Package (SWMS)

Our package includes a collection of Safe Work Method Statements tailored to paper products manufacturing plants. From using machinery to handling hazardous materials, our package covers all aspects of workplace safety, ensuring your workers stay safe and your operations remain compliant. Get your package today!


Metal Fabrication Foreman Position Description

Our Metal Fabrication Foreman Position Description template provides a clear and comprehensive guide to hiring for this crucial leadership role. This document outlines the key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for the job, from managing and supervising a team of metal fabricators to ensuring quality control and equipment maintenance. By utilizing our template, you can attract top talent and set clear expectations for the role of a Metal Fabrication Foreman in your organization.


Workplace Health and Safety – Provision of PPE Policy

Our policy provides clear guidelines for the selection, use, and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure the safety of your employees. By implementing this policy, you can help minimize the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses. Get our Workplace Health and Safety – Provision of PPE Policy today and promote a culture of safety and well-being in your workplace.


Lead Paint Removal (SWMS)

Remove lead paint safely with our SWMS! This document outlines steps and precautions to protect workers and the environment, including risk identification and control measures. It covers proper personal protective equipment, ventilation, waste disposal, and minimizing dust and debris. Ensure a safe work environment with our SWMS – get your copy today!


Induction Schedule – New Employee

Our comprehensive package includes a customizable schedule that covers all the important aspects of a new employee’s job, including safety, policies, and training. With our Induction Schedule – New Employee package, you can ensure a smooth and successful onboarding experience, leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity.


Critical Incident Reporting Policy

Our Critical Incident Reporting Policy is a must-have for any organization. It outlines the proper procedures for reporting and addressing critical incidents, ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees. This policy covers workplace accidents, injuries, and other emergencies, providing you with a clear plan of action. By implementing our policy, you can ensure compliance with regulations and standards while protecting your employees. Don’t wait until it’s too late – get your copy today and be prepared for any critical incident.


Metal Fabrication SWMS Package (SWMS)

Ensure the safety of your workers with our comprehensive SWMS package for metal fabrication works. Our package covers all aspects of metal fabrication work, from the use of cutting saws to welding machines, grinders, and other tools. With detailed instructions and clear guidelines, our package is perfect for both experienced and novice workers. Don’t take any chances with safety – get your Safe Work Method Statements Package for Metal Fabrication Works today.


Using a Compound Saw (SWMS)

Keep your team safe and your business compliant with our Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for Compound Saw operation. Our document outlines a step-by-step guide on how to safely operate the saw, including essential safety measures like PPE requirements, setup, and shutdown procedures. By implementing our guidelines, you can protect your workers from potential hazards and ensure compliance with industry regulations. Don’t risk workplace accidents – order our Compound Saw SWMS and ensure safe saw operation today.


First Day Letter – New Employee

Our customizable First Day Letter template is the perfect way to welcome new hires to your company. It includes all the essential information they need to know about their role and the company, ensuring they feel confident and excited about their new job. Get started today and make a great first impression with our easy-to-use template.


Termination Policy

Our Termination Policy provides clear guidelines for ending employment with fairness and respect. This policy covers various scenarios, outlines obligations for both the employer and employee, and helps protect both parties during the difficult process of ending employment. Invest in our Termination Policy today and ensure that your organization handles terminations professionally and respectfully.


Handling Bags of Ingredients (SWMS)

Ensure a safer and more productive work environment in the food service and manufacturing industries with our downloadable Safe Work Method Statement for handling bags of ingredients. Our statement provides clear guidelines and protocols to minimize risks and prevent accidents when handling bags of ingredients. Download now for a safer, more compliant workplace.


Bakery/Café SWMS Package (SWMS)

Ensure the safety of your staff and customers with our comprehensive SWMS package, covering all aspects of bakery and café operations. Our package includes detailed instructions and guidelines for manual handling, food safety, using ovens and other equipment, handling cash, and more. Get your copy today and give your staff the confidence to work safely and efficiently.


Emba Box Machine (SWMS)

Our Safe Work Method Statement for Emba Box Machine provides a comprehensive guide for safe and efficient operation. It includes hazard identification, risk controls, and step-by-step instructions. By following our SWMS, you can ensure the safety of your workers while reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Get your copy today!


Chief Operationg Officer Position Description

Our Chief Operating Officer Position Description template outlines the role, responsibilities, and qualifications of a COO in an organization. It covers various aspects of the job, including managing day-to-day operations, implementing strategies, and overseeing departments. This document is a valuable tool for companies looking to attract qualified candidates and find the right fit for the role of COO.


Job Application Status Response Letters – Various Templates

Our customizable templates provide a professional and effective way to communicate with job applicants at every stage of the recruitment process. From acknowledging their application to inviting them for an interview or informing them they were unsuccessful, our templates ensure clear and timely communication that helps create a positive candidate experience. Streamline your recruitment process and save time with our Job Application Status Response Letter Templates.


Employee Leave Policy

Our Employee Leave Policy template simplifies the process of managing employee leave entitlements. With clear guidelines on annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, and more, our policy ensures compliance with relevant legislation and sets out the responsibilities of both employees and management. Get your copy today and create a fair and efficient leave management system for your organization.


Hydrualic Technician Position Description

Our Hydraulic Technician Position Description provides a detailed job description for the role, outlining the responsibilities, qualifications, skills, and experience required. Use this document to attract and hire the right candidate, set performance expectations, and evaluate performance. Ensure a clear understanding of the hydraulic technician role and find the best candidate with our template.


Angle Grinder (SWMS)

Ensure safety when using an angle grinder with our downloadable Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) template. Our statement provides clear guidelines on correct and safe tool use, handling, protective equipment, and emergency procedures. Minimize risks and create a safe working environment for all. Download our SWMS template today for a safer workplace.


Food Prep & Kitchen Duties (SWMS)

Ensure safety in your food service or manufacturing setting with our comprehensive Safe Work Method Statement for food preparation and kitchen duties. Our statement outlines necessary safety procedures for handling knives, operating kitchen equipment, and preparing food. Download now to properly train and equip your staff for safe and efficient food preparation. Protect your business and employees today.


Job Advertisement Template

Our Job Advertisement Template is a customizable document that includes all the necessary details to create an effective and professional job advertisement. It helps businesses attract the right candidates for a vacant position by including job title, duties and responsibilities, qualifications and experience required, and salary and benefits package. Streamline your recruitment process and attract top talent with our Job Advertisement Template.


Manual Handling (SWMS)

Our Safe Work Method Statement for Manual Handling outlines necessary precautions and procedures, including identifying potential hazards and minimizing risks. The SWMS also provides techniques for safe lifting, carrying, and moving objects, promoting a healthy work environment and reducing the risk of workplace injuries. Download now and equip your employees with the knowledge and tools to perform manual handling tasks safely and efficiently.


Soldering (SWMS)

Our Safe Work Method Statement for Soldering Works outlines step-by-step instructions and risk controls for safe soldering work. With hazard identification, control measures, and PPE guidelines, workers can confidently carry out their tasks with reduced risk. Download your copy for a safer work environment.


Quality Manager Position Description

Our Quality Manager Position Description is a valuable resource for businesses seeking to hire the right candidate for this critical role. Our document outlines the key responsibilities and duties of a Quality Manager, as well as the necessary skills and experience required for the position. It also includes the role’s reporting structure and key performance indicators, ensuring that your Quality Manager is aware of their responsibilities and has the necessary skills to ensure your organization delivers quality products and services to your clients. Don’t leave your hiring process to chance – invest in our Quality Manager Position Description today and ensure quality performance for your business.
